Detailed FAQ on some of the most commonly asked questions in regards to photography bookings.
What is included in photo packages?
All photo packages come with a guaranteed minimum number of images, which will be retouched and delivered as JPEGs. The files are free of watermarks, and are high res, printable up to 20x24 inches if desired. Due to ever evolving technology, delivery is done via digital download. Prints, albums and cards can be purchased as add on items, giving you the chance to fully customize your package.
How far will I travel for a photoshoot?
I am based in Hamilton, Ontario and consider the Golden Horseshoe (Niagara to Toronto) to be my area. However, I am happy to travel near or far to photograph your story. I've travelled to many places for a shoot, from North Bay to Jamaica and even Disney World!
How many images will be taken in your session?
Each package comes with a minimum number of guaranteed images. I never limit the number of images that I shoot. If we get more great images during your session (and we usually do) then you will receive those images as well. Portrait, family, baby, and engagement sessions receive a minimum of 40 images on a standard session. Wedding packages vary from 300-500 images depending on the schedule of the wedding day.
What is the price range on wedding packages?
Wedding packages for the 2018 season range from $2399-$3599 + HST.
Will your images be retouched?
All images are retouched prior to delivery. Basic colour and tonal corrections are applied, and then each image is given individual attention as needed. I use a gentle hand, keeping in line with my natural shooting style. Any images that would suit it, are also duplicated into black and white and retouched and toned as needed.